At UTHAVIDUM KARANGAL TRUST (UKT), we are committed to implementing a range of programs and services that address the needs of the communities we serve. Through our initiatives, we aim to uplift individuals, promote sustainable development, and create lasting positive change. Here are some of the key programs and services we offer:

Education Support

We believe that education is a powerful tool for empowerment. Our education support programs include scholarships, tuition assistance, and mentoring for deserving students. We also collaborate with schools and educational institutions to enhance the learning environment and provide access to quality education.

Healthcare Initiatives

Improving healthcare access and awareness is a priority for us. We organize health camps and medical check-ups, focusing on preventive care and early detection of illnesses. We also work towards creating awareness about hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition, particularly in marginalized communities.

Environmental Conservation

Preserving and protecting our environment is crucial for the well-being of present and future generations. We actively promote environmental awareness, tree plantation drives, and sustainable practices. By joining hands with local communities, we aim to create a greener and more sustainable future.

Skill Development

We understand the importance of equipping individuals with the skills they need to succeed in life. Our skill development programs offer vocational training, entrepreneurship workshops, and career counseling to help individuals gain employable skills and enhance their livelihood opportunities.

Women Empowerment

Promoting gender equality and empowering women is at the heart of our mission. We provide support to women through self-help groups, microfinance initiatives, and training programs. We aim to enhance their financial independence, leadership skills, and overall well-being.

Child Welfare

The protection and welfare of children are of utmost importance to us. We work towards eradicating child labor and providing rehabilitation for affected children. Our programs focus on education, healthcare, and creating safe spaces for children to thrive and grow.

Environmental Conservation

We actively promote environmental sustainability and conservation. Our initiatives include tree plantation drives, waste management awareness campaigns, and advocating for sustainable practices. We aim to create a greener and healthier environment for present and future generations.

Community Development

We believe in the power of community engagement and collaboration. Our community development programs focus on capacity building, infrastructure development, and fostering self-reliance. We work closely with local communities to identify their needs and implement sustainable solutions together.